My name is Karine Liao and I’m currently in 3rd year of a Bachelor Degree in IESEG School of Management in Paris. During my studies, I have to do an internship abroad. I wanted to come to Korea and discover this country that I have been passionate about since a very long time. I did some research, and found ACOPIA’s offer for internship. I was very interested in the activities that we had to do as an intern (promoting the organisation’s activities, using our knowledge in Marketing and Communication to create social media content, organizing weekly meetup and language exchange, etc).
After almost three weeks of internship at acopia, I have used my skills in Chinese to help translate the main website in Chinese. I also did the promotion of the Kpop Camp on Facebook, through a lot of Facebook groups. Then I promoted the weekly meetup on various social media like Facebook pages, Meetup application, Hellotalk application, etc. We have to promote it continuously because we have to found participants in order to organize it in an efficient way.

The overall atmosphere at the office is very familial, everyone get along very well so it’s helpful to work harder toward the same path. Beside the working hours at the office, this internship helped me to meet new people, make new friends since there are a lot of people who come from different countries here (France, Japanese, Malaysia, Philippines, etc). We sometimes hang out together, it’s fun !