Hi! My name is Viviane. I’m in my 2nd year of Bachelor at Emlyon Business School in Saint Etienne in France. I had to make an internship during this semester and i decided to come in Korea to join the Asia Hope Work Camp to gain an experience abroad.
It’s been now 1 month that I’m in ACOPIA and I was involved on different activities but I mainly worked on the promotion of the K- POP Camp and meetup classes through several social network as the majority of the interns. That was complicated to know where the others made the promotion so I had to create a data base to facilitate the promotion and keep an eye on pages where the promotion has been already made.
I also organized an event during the meetup classes to talk about the French haute couture. I had a lot of fun sharing it with people because it’s a subject that i’m really passionate about.
Communication and interactions with others are my favorite part in this internship. Those are aspects that are going to increase for the next month because we just opened our own cafe and we are going to teach languages weekly.
May to June 2017
During this month i made several others activities than the previous month that allow me to earn leadership and organizational skills. I had more responsibilities, an obligation that i was looking for before making my internship because it’s for me an excellent way for becoming more mature.
On the first weeks of May, I participated in hosting the K-pop camp participants. I had to manage the reception with other interns. During this meeting, I cooked with a colleague some French recipe. I shared with them in order to make them discover new taste.
I also organized several meetups in which I had to design the meetup program. Camille, our internship tutor gave me the rein of the encounter so I had to plan what we were going to do and make others discover new things. It was a good experience because even if I was the leader, we were primary a group so we had to use collective intelligence for better purpose.
I also became a teacher, more precisely a French teacher. I taught French for people who just wants to talk to people in French or who wants to prepare for a test. That was a good experience because it’s a real sharing moment and I learn a lot about themselves but also about Korea in a social, political and economical way.
For now, I’m still teaching French and I’m looking forward to learn more and over from people.