Hi! I am Naz from Malaysia. The internship is a requirement for my International Masters in Regional Integration course. Like the name suggests, I am studying the integration of countries like European Union and ASEAN. That is why I chose ACOPIA as my internship placement. Even if it is in a smaller scale, ACOPIA’s core purpose on international relation between South Korea and Japan is also a form of integration. As such, I believe that ACOPIA would provide me with the relevant knowledge and experience for my future.
At first, I was involved in local multicultural activity such as meetup, with its planning and promotion. In it, I have made new friends from Korea, France, Belgium, and Taiwan. I even discovered their different cultures and surprisingly similar ones as well.
I also had the chance to witness the K-pop camp which involved not only Korean, but also Japanese, and one Canadian. Of course, it was not as glamourous as the well-established K-pop artists, but it is interesting to see the potential artists trying out for their dream.
Recently, my task is getting more international; forming partnership with NGO in Malaysia. To represent ACOPIA is a big task, I have to properly present myself as a credible representative to gain their trust and commitment. Together with my Team Malaysia, I find it assuring in working together towards the same goal.
In the office, ACOPIA truly lives up to its name with its multinational workforce. I have friends and co-workers from Korea of course, Japan, Philippines, France and Morocco. The atmosphere gives me a chance to learn about other culture and language. At the same time, to share my culture to everyone as well.